Our 2025 Forecast for Small Business

Many have asked what our forecast for 2025 is for business success, and we say ‘Trump’. The positive attitude that has permeated the economy since his election is great for entrepreneurs.

We are told that job creation is starting to go positive at 200,000 position (no revisions downward so far) which means that you should try to hang onto the good people you’ve got.

We think economic growth will be higher than people think, overall maybe 3% this year nationally. There will be regional spotty areas, such as California and New York. We’re sitting in Arizona, which is quite good.

If you’re employing immigrants, you should try to get the ones you want to keep and train, and turn the rest of them into ICE for deportment.

Sharpen up your promotional avenues, particularly your website to ensure that it’s performing well. Sharpen up your sales closing skills. Your competitors will.

Make sure that you’ve got enough financial capability to accommodate growth…banks should be accommodative, and we don’t see increases in lending rates, or restrictions on the amount lent.

Trump’s tax cuts will be make permanent, and then cut later in the year, a cut in corporate rates.

Lastly, go join a peer support group. We happen to have one (Solutions Forum).