Entrepreneuring is Manifest

Last night Coast to Coast AM had on a medical doctor talking about manifesting, or how to become what you’re intended to do.

The doctor, for what it’s worth, is James Roy, of Stanford.

We are similarly inclined. And we’ve started a school www.bizsuccess.school, to help entrepreneurs manifest their destiny.

People decide to become entrepreneurs, not always for the best of reasons, which is one reason we started the school, so entrepreneurs could realize their manifest.

After I got my MBA, I went to work on the Ford Finance Staff, one of the plum jobs in American finance. Cool. Paid well, promoted rapidly.

But, even at Ford, it was like I had a big ‘E’ (entrepreneur) tattooed on my forehead. My boss, the President of Ford Credit, put me and my staff in charge of minding the financial affairs of six little divisions, and helping the divisions grow.

And, after about seven years, my Dad approached me about joining the family company, because he wanted to retire. My boss at Ford Credit wasn’t happy about me leaving, but, since he’d come from an entrepreneurial background, he understood.

I wanted to do it, because I felt that I’d trained for it, and it was manifest that I do it.

And there was tremendous growth potential in the family company. So my Dad and I worked out an employment agreement and off we went as a family (wife and two kids) to Reno. And took two Fords with us.

I’d not thought about it until Dr. Roy’s program on Coast, but it was manifest that I ultimately became an entrepreneur.

Many of you out there may be feeling the same, which is why I’m writing this.

It’s ok, just research the market well and how you’re going to do what you were manifest to do.