AI for SMB?

The title might sound like too much jargon, but there’s a question in my mind as to whether artificial intelligence (AI) is going to be useful for a broad range of small to medium sized businesses (SMB).

AI is neither artificial or necessarily intelligent, because it’s based on data scans of large information databases, driven by the questions you ask, which you can submit via Chat/GPT. It’s a cool process. Keep in mind that the information given by Chat/GPT might be as much as 2 years old, having been updated through 2022. But the updating process is continual.

We have used Chat/GPT to benchmark our courses in our School,, because we want to make sure that we are out front on our course offerings to you.

We know of a couple of law offices and medical practices that are using Chat/GPT to provide information for patients and clients, which enhances their work.

But none of only one of our current clients has used it, and he runs a big digital marketing firm. He has enhanced his marketing using AI.

When we put the question about usage out on Twitter, and to a list of former clients, no one was using it. So, we wonder how broad usage is.

Go set up your Chat/GPT account, just for fun. Shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes. And it’s free, until you get into heavy usage, more than 20 questions per month.